#AI researcher #Medical #Healthcare #NLP #EHR #Biosignal (PPG, ABP, ECG, EEG, EMG, IMU, ICP)
이미지, 자연어처리, 음성 등 여러 분야에서 발전하는 AI 기술을 빠르게 습득하고, 이를 '의료' 도메인에 적용 및 발전시키는 연구자가 되고 싶습니다. 의료진 및 환자에게 도움이 되는 의료 AI 모델(질병 조기 진단, 환자 예후 예측)을 개발하여, 이전에 할 수 없었던 건강한 복지 사회를 실현하고자 합니다.
(2022.08) IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
DeepCNAP: A Deep Learning Approach for Continuous Noninvasive Arterial Blood Pressure Monitoring Using Photoplethysmography
(2022.10) International Conference of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine
Prediction of fall risk based on muscular activities from the minimum number of the lower limb muscles in subacute stroke patients
(2022.10) International Conference of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine
A reliability study based on EMG activities from lower limb muscles between healthy group and stroke patients
(2021.02) IEEE International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface
Sequential Transfer Learning via Segment After Cue Enhances the Motor Imagery-based Brain-Computer Interface
(2020.12) IEEE International conference on information and communication technology convergence
A comparison of oversampling methods for constructing a prognostic model in the patient with heart failure